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Wed, Feb 23, 22.

Door in Hebrew

H6607—פּתח, pethach

Brown Drivers Briggs Hebrew Definition:

  1. opening, doorway, entrance

Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: from H6605
Same Word by TWOT Number: 1854a

The Door of the Tabernacle

  1. The Door of the Tabernacle is different from the Gate of the Courtyard.
    1. The Door of the Tabernacle should not be mistaken as the Gate of the Court. The Hebrew word for “door” (H6607—פּתח, pethach) in “door of the Tabernacle” is different for the word for “gate” (H8179—שׁער, sha‛ar)in “gate of the courtyard”.
  2. The Door of the Tabernacle was the entrance to the Holy Place
  3. The Altar of Burnt offering was before the Door of the Tabernacle [Exo 40:6,29; Lev 4:7]
  4. Curtains/Hangings were made for the door of the Tabernacle [Exo 26:36; 35:15]
  5. The Curtains/Hangings of the Door of the Tabernacle is part of the charge of the Levite division of Gershon [Num 3:25]
  6. The Pillar of Cloud came down and stood at the Door of the Tabernacle whenever He came down to speak with Moses [Exo 33:9; Num 12:5; Deut 31:15]
  7. People, sacrifices and other things were presented to Yahweh by bringing them to the Door of the Tabernacle [Lev 14:11,23; 15:29; Num 27:2]
    1. Sacrifices were presented and slain at the Door of the Tabernacle [Exo 29:11,42; Lev 1:3-5; 3:2; 4:4; 17:3-4,5; Num 6:10,13,18; 16:18]
    2. Aaron and his sons were presented to Yahweh at the Door of the Tabernacle before they were consecrated to Yahweh’s service as His priests [Exo 29:4; 40:12]
  8. Aaron and his sons were consecrated to the priesthood at the Door of the Tabernacle.
    1. [Exo 29:4; 40:12] They were washed with water at the Door of the Tabernacle
    2. [Exo 29:32] They ate the sacred meat and bread at the Door
  9. Assemblies were at the Door
    1. The Congregation of Israel gathered to the Door of the Tabernacle [Lev 8:3; Num 10:3; 16:19; 25:6]
    2. Women used to assemble at the Door of the Tabernacle [Exo 38:8; 1Sa 2:22; Num 27:2]
    3. The land was divided to Israel at the Door of the Tabernacle [Jos 19:51]